Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Silver leaves and gem beads

I dont know about other jewellery makers, but I am not able to complete one jewellery fully at a time.

I keep putting all the ones that need to be filed separately, polished separately, finished separately, but at the end I dont have any completed jewellery!

Which makes me frustrated at times because when I think I have made many pieces a day, and I am so satisfied with my outcome, end result - I dont see anything ready for a photograph!

And when my hubby comes back from office, I have a sheepish smile.

That is why, I always end up in putting less jewellery on the website.:)

But yesterday was a different day.

I finished four leaves, filed them, polished them, put Tourmaline, Aquamarine, Turqoise and Amethyst beads and surprise!!!! I had them ready for photograph at night!

And remember all four are different. They are not casted pieces but handmade with love and passion.

So here it is